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RE: Poirot case

It's the same with mealy bugs! I have the first two plants that appear in the photographs and I have to control them closely... although they are small.

The one I really like is the last one, what beautiful flowers!!!

The neutral or white soap dissolved in water is very good!


Small or big ones, we always have to care of them as best as we can 😇

Now they seem to be better, I have them on the small balcony, and I talk to them, they seem to like it!

You talk to the mealybugs or to the plants? {just kidding 😉}

With both of them! I kindly invite them to leave.... or else...🤣


My friend used to talk to ants when they invaded her kitchen, to kindly leave 😂
Not always with a lot of success haha

They never listen to us... it's no use talking to them, I'll have to fumigate them.🤣