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RE: Blooming cactus - Sulcorebutia albissima

How beautiful! 😍 And "no blood spilled".. hahahaha.. love that quote. This is really quite small. 2cm? wow.. Tiny little fella.

I like how you have al the links at the bottom of your post. That's pretty cool.. don't know how you managed it, but COOL STUFF! It really makes it easy to relocate an older post.

Happy Blooming!! Looks like more to come soon 😊


Haha there is a little bit of blood sometimes :p

I can paste the template here if you want to make something like that too. It is not hard :)

Oh yes... the blooming season is on! But I already see the end of it unfortunately. Then I will have to wait until next spring.

You know I like my Orchids, but your cacti are AMAZING. So unique and pretty. I have a few and try to treat them well. On occasion one will flower.

I would definitely be interested in the template if you are willing to share the good stuff with me. DON'T feel obligated. That would be awesome though 😁

NO BLOOD! No Blood!!! lol

Can I catch you on Discord? It will be easier to explain :)