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RE: The great "Echeveria" mystery solved and evil plans towards the snails

in Succulent growers3 years ago

I don't know if it works, but I've been doing it anyway, I spread some ash on the top layer of soil, and it seems to prevent them from climbing on the stem.

Last opttion is to cut some garlic, herbs, real butter, and cook me some snails, mmhmhhhhh

 3 years ago  

I have no inner French side that wants to eat snails, haha. I prefer to have some parktown prawns in the garden. Surely you met them when you lived here? I think they are cute

You are reading my mind I was about to mention them, especially that face, how could I forget. But most importantly, the noise. The biggest ones make a noise when they bump into something. I remember waking up at night and wondering "what is that sound?"
(Clock....clock.... clock)

They often get stuck somewhere in a corner, the clicking sound intensifying... We were living in Parktown North 😂 and the mating season was intense

 3 years ago  
