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RE: Fall garden update: Cacti and succulent baskets

in Succulent growers4 years ago

Some people grow Opuntias (and other cold hardy cacti) in Poland where the winter temp can get as low as -20C. They seem to be fine after. But they are all directly in soil so I guess the roots are protected from too much cold.
Also Sempervivums are doing great there. I am curious to see how yours do in spring in that basket.


I thought the Opuntias would do well, they seem to be the most hardy of the cacti I can grow in my region. I have Opuntia humifusa, Opuntia fragilis, Opuntia polyacantha erinacea, and a Opuntia ellisiana in the ground.

Yeah we shall see how they do in baskets, I hope they have enough protection from the cold in there. My Sempervivum is doing okay, it had an offshoot but it died, but the main plant is still alive and doing okay. I think most of the plants are still a little shocked. Hoping next year there will be more growth.

Fingers crossed!
I have no luck with Sempervivums here. Might be too hot for them...