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RE: Blooming cactus - Rebutia neocumingii

in Succulent growers3 years ago

Super duper they are indeed :D

Won't hurt trying :)
Though I don't think fertilizer is enough (and be careful with too strong ones, as the might burn the roots). I am not sure if they give so much of it in the nurseries that the cactus gets confused, or they do have closed environments where they can control temperature too.
Also - nurseries do pump the plants and make them grow fast so they can sell fast ;) Normally after they are bough and go home they need some time to adjust to more "normal" treatment and start to grow slower.

I fertilize mine once or twice a year only. I still think the low winter temp is the main thing that makes them bloom. That's what they have in then natural environments.


Thanks for the advise. I will keep all these in mind when I go back to that place. I'll also remember to get the name of the fertilizer. You might be familiar with it. 🙂

I just did a post on Hoyas you might want to look in. Click here for the link. I didn't really get to answer if hoyas are also succulents 🤔