Twinkle twinkle little star - Crassula multicava

in Succulent growerslast year

Crassula multicava blooming 2023 4.jpg

Last year my old and big Crassula Ovata surprised me with a bouquet of flowers. I don't know what triggered this profuse blooming, but this year I didn't get a single flower for a change. You can check my bragging post here.

This year though I got another Crassula blooming instead. Though they do not look alike, and this one is much smaller, the flowers are very similar.

Crassula multicava

Crassula multicava blooming 2023 11.jpg

A cloud of tiny, white little starts with some blush pink on the outside. They do not have any fragrance and I can't remember how long they last. The just look so delicate among all the green plants on the balcony.

Crassula multicava blooming 2023 3.jpg

Used as a groundcover, the plant is resistant to droughts and low temperatures above −3 °C. It also resists the lack of light and is a shade lover, but that can negatively affects its color or the quality of the flowers. Self-seeding, it can also be multiplied by cuttings. They also propagate themselves by producing plantlets on the flower head that fall off and grow into independent plants. Due to its small size, it can be grown in pots in well-composted, clay soils.
Native of South Africa.

It hardly gets so cold here, but the drought part is a good thing. The summers here are nasty and I do sometimes forget to water on time ;).

The cuttings I had last year grew roots pretty fast and I along the stem new plantlets fors. The long stems often touch the ground (that's how I saw the mother plant growing) and will start to grow roots from there. It can get messy that way, but the way it grows for me in a pot it will not have a chance to do that.

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Crassula multicava blooming 2023 10.jpg

There is still some buds to open.

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Crassula multicava blooming 2023 5.jpg

It is not a very big plant just yet. Though it did grow a bit considering that I only had two cuttings last year. I am hoping it will grow more and start to bush a bit after it is done with the blooming. I might trim it later on to encourage branching. We will see.

Crassula multicava blooming 2023 6.jpg

We tend to call Crassula Ovata a Money Tree probably because of he thick leaves. The name woudl fit this one so much better though. The leaves are round and have the surface full of little dimples like some metal ornaments that were hammered by someone. I hope you know what I mean. I don't know how it is called, it is usually copper I think.

Crassula multicava blooming 2023 7.jpg

Crassula multicava blooming 2023 8.jpg

Almost forgot...
A little trespasser that feels so good in the pots. I allowed it to grow in one or two last year and now I see it popping all over the place. It does have cute, little yellow flowers, but damn it is invasive little shit :D

You will see it again in a few more upcoming posts :)
And it's name is Oxalis aka I_will_grow_wherever_I_want_and_you_cannot_stop_me plant.

Crassula multicava blooming 2023 9 weed.jpg

Crassula multicava blooming 2023 12.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.
No AI was used to write this text :p

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In Cyprus, I have not seen Crassula multicava for sale.
She is adorable, I love it!
When she's older and in bloom, she'll look great!

I did not see it here for sale either. I found one growing outside and picked few cuttings.
I also saw it growing in garden directly in soil.

When she's older and in bloom, she'll look great!

I can't wait :)

Yes, she is wonderful!
My Crassula Estagnol is blooming for the first time in my life and I am also looking forward to opening her buds, she made them on three tops out of seven 😊

This Saturday I'm going to an exhibition-sale in a plant nursery😊

Oh nice! Please show it :)

What did you buy? :D

I will definitely show you later.
I need to take a picture, transfer the photos to the computer and reduce them 🙂

Na tym czarnym tle wyglądają jak gwiazdki fajerwerków, czy też może nawet tych mniejszych sztucznych ogni ;)

Ano :D Fajne kwiatki.

What a pity that the Crassula Ovata has not flowered this year, however the other variety gave some beautiful flowers, I love its shapes and colors
It's good that the cuttings have sprouted
I appreciate this update on your succulents
have a great day

Hopefully it will bloom next year :)
Thank you, have an awesome day as well!

Oxalis it is!

I also left a few around the yard, but they turned into bunch of them! 😱

Perhaps last year you completed the blooming bonus or you were bragging too much :D

Worse than rabbits! :D

Bragging too much. I think that's it :|

Very interesting and motivation post

Checked your old post,those were some lovely blossoms but these little babies have a charm of their own. They look like snowflakes.

They do! And I think they are a little smaller. Both lovely and would look even better if both were in bloom in the same time :D

bardzo fotogeniczna ta Krasula 🐮

Jak dobrze, ze nie tylko mi krowy po głowie chodzą gdy pisze o Crassulach :D

My regular Crasula Ovata never bloomed until I started to keep it on the balcony from May to late October when it starts to get cold (but not into negative). Once I pull it back to the room it starts blooming within weeks. Surprisingly the same method does not work on "Gollum" Jade version - it does not want to bloom 😔

My one grows outside on the balcony all year round. So it does gets the autumn and winter chill - I think that's what they need. Maybe this winter was still too warm for her... I don't know.

Lovely shots @ewkaw friend!!!... 🌼🌼🌼 😍😍😍


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Thank you @kunschj :)

My pleasure :)

Great shots as always. Pity the Ovata is not blooming this year - maybe you bragged too much last year.😀 The multicava makes up for it. Such beauty on a small plant.

I am not sure but I was thinking that maybe many succulents are called Money plants. I came across so many with that name but they are slightly different from your photo.

Hahah maybe.. she got shy now :D

I am not sure but I was thinking that maybe many succulents are called Money plants. I came across so many with that name but they are slightly different from your photo.

You might be right. A friend of mine calls money plan to a completely different plant (not a succulent) an it is a common name for it in her country.
Probably ust something people made up cause it is easy to remember.

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Just beautiful, they are small but beautiful flowers,

Yea I agree :) And they look really nice all together.