Euphorbia Tirucalli.

in Succulent growers3 years ago


Greetings to the cactus and succulent and exotic plant community. Today I bring you my little plant here below.

The Euphorbia Tirucalli is a perennial succulent plant whose origin is from Africa and Asia, it's common name is finger plant, skeleton plant, pencil plant and so on, this is because of the structure of its branches, which are cylindrical and thin.


There are a variety of these plants, each one has special characteristics that differentiate it, but the only one I have been able to know personally is this species. The mother plant measured 3 meters approximately.


It is formed by the union of multiple cylindrical branches, of green color, in some branches you can see small green leaves also, scarce, and of oval form.

My plant has never flowered but I know that it produces small flowers at the ends of its branches.


These plants preferably grow best in the sun. I have this plant in my garden under my roof in semi-shade so the branches are more drooping and not as upright as they are often seen.

It is not a difficult plant to reproduce. By taking a small branch and letting its tip dry, it can be planted after 4 to 5 days in a dry place, it reproduces very easily.


It does not like a lot of humidity, it is more of tropical to dry climate and it is necessary to avoid the excess of liquid in the place that is sowed. I still have it in a small pot, soon I will transplant it to a wider and taller pot.

That's all I can tell you for the moment. When it has its flowers I will surely share them with you!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments.

@gertu de venezuela para el world.png


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