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RE: Awesome but terrifying gifts and a visitor

It's a pity that someone tried to eat such a beautiful Lophophora ...

I have Lophophora Williamsii s - 2 pieces. I have had them for 3 years.
But before that, I killed a few ..

Lophophora Williamsii grows very slowly 5 mm. and very, very rarely up to 1 cm per year.
Therefore, you can calculate how old she is and draw conclusions.

Lophophora Williamsii has a dormant period in winter. During this period, the temperature should be from + 10 ° C to + 12 ° C.
The dormant period is from October to April.
But in Cyprus it starts later, due to our climate.
It is impossible to water Lophophora during this period. Otherwise, it will start to rot.

My Lophophora wrinkles during the rest period and lands (so to speak), as if burrowing a little.
This is normal.

When my Lophophora was in direct sunlight, I saw that in addition to changing its color, she began to lag behind in development. So I rearranged it where the scattered rays of the sun hit it, but a lot of light.

In the summer, the soil can be moistened only 2 days after the soil has completely dried out.

It is very good to add bone meal to the soil in a proportion of 10 g per volume of 10 liters.
But, unfortunately, I haven't added yet.
Since it is not in Cyprus, but I will definitely add it when I fly on vacation.

@nikv Hope I was able to help you. Good luck, may your beauty Lophophora Williamsii grow and bloom!

 3 years ago  

Thank you, that helps a lot!

I'm very glad that I could help you :-)
I, before the coronavirus epidemic, went to state paid courses in gardening :-)
Completed 1 course, received a certificate :-)
But on the second, because of the epidemic, I was afraid to go. If everything goes well, I will go this year.

 3 years ago  

Let's hope that you can. I have been at work in a shop right through the epidemic and it's been difficult but there's no way I could have stayed at home.
On Wednesday I'm going to the local succulent society meeting. I look forward to it

So do I.
It is perfectly! We still have all sorts of restrictions, you can leave the house only with permission and only 2 times a day if necessary.
They called me from the hospital offering to sign up for vaccinations, I refused.
Since I have no confidence in those vaccines that go to Cyprus.
My friend was vaccinated with the AstraZenec vaccine, she was very bad for more than a week, she thought she was going to die. And other 2 acquaintances also very hard tolerated the same vaccine.

 3 years ago  

I'm sorry to hear that. I will get vaccinated because of my work and I have been sick from rabies post-exposure treatment (from a cat bite 😸) and also from tetanus shots so I know how unpleasant it can be but my cousins were very sick in hospital for 3 weeks with covid so I'm just going to do it. We probably won't get vaccines until July anyway

Thanks a lot!
In Cyprus, all traders, medical and service personnel are tested every week.
And anyone can take a test for free near the entrance to the supermarket.
My son did the test, he is doing well. I didn't, because my son is fine.