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RE: Shifting between colours and plants

in Succulent growers7 months ago

Don't despair, they bloom at Christmas, so you will soon see them blooming.
Place them in a place where the sun does not shine on them.
I have a Euphorbia pulcherrima called poinsettia and to my joy its leaves have already started to redden to make way for the flower.
Your posts are always very interesting. Thanks for being able to see your little garden.


Yes, she just started to bloom. In a few weeks, it will be full of flowers. Last year it bloomed even in two rounds, it was amazing.

Oh, Euphorbia pulcherrima, it is also a plant that blooms for Christmas. I also see them here, growing already like tall trees (if planted in gardens) with those red flowers. They are nice!

Thank you, I am glad you find some interesting things in my posts, @mamani 🤓

My poinsettia has long stems I take care of it from year to year I have it in a pot. Greetings and a nice weekend.

Nice weekend to you too ☀️