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RE: The great "Echeveria" mystery solved and evil plans towards the snails

in Succulent growers3 years ago

I always thought it could be a Pachyphytum but the flowers are what clinch it.
Here we have a butterfly that lays eggs and the larva eats the leaves from the inside but other caterpillars leave them alone and the snails and slugs love them. How do the snails get to the water-lilies? Ours don't like water much


That's right its the butterflies that wreck havoc with most of my succulents, especially the Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana.
Snails stick to the sides of the tubs and the ponds above the water and eat up the leaves.
Slugs are mostly found hiding below the containers.

 3 years ago  

Our butterfly eats cotyledon and echeveria leaves