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RE: The great "Echeveria" mystery solved and evil plans towards the snails

in Succulent growers3 years ago

They can be tricky. Did they get rot that started in the stems? I have lost echeverias when it's cold and rainy but also if I water when it is very warm at night. Then they get botrytis rot quite easily, warm nights are when the bacteria are most active in the soil


Sorry, I just saw your comment.
Yes, the stem is rotting. Our summer is very hot and humid :-(
Maybe not water them at all in the summer?

 3 years ago  

They grow in summer so they need water. Usually people with hot and humid climates,use a growing mix that drains very fast. Keep them more like cacti, I think

Thanks a lot!
I bought another Echeveria yesterday :-)

 3 years ago  

Good luck! I look forward to seeing it

Thanks a lot!
I will try not to kill :-)