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RE: Shifting between colours and plants

in Succulent growers β€’ 7 months ago

oh your got beautiful flowers there , even if got problems with the other plant you have a great hands for gardening , I think I don't have the patience for it , my father use to have it πŸ™‚πŸŒ΅πŸŒ±πŸͺ΄

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I am also neglecting sometimes my plants, when I don't have time to even check on them 😬, just to water them once a week (succulents should not be watered more than once or twice per week, that is why they are perfect for me 😁)

Now this red blooming plant made me go out to the balcony every day hahaha :))

Jajajaja tienes que alimentar las planticas Señorita Mipiano 🀣🀣🀣

Les he traido dulces, pero prefieren agua πŸ˜†
