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RE: Echeveria Shaviana - Succulents in the sun

The color and symmetry of that Echeveria is simply stunning! I've had some experience with the genus Echeveria, but that was only one or two species, and many years ago. I've never grown that particular species. They definitely do seem to be rather sensitive plants regarding sun and water! I wish you success with these gorgeous plants! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


I am glad you like it. I like those crinkled edges too.
I guess they would soon get acclimatized to our weather once they pass through this summer.
I hope someone from our local groups would share their experience with me. I have asked in a gardening group for more details.
These pups look much better now that I have moved them to a shady/cooler spot.
Thanks a ton for your support and time.
Have great day @tydynrain

Indeed! I wish I could give more useful information on their care. Looking up the growing conditions in their native range would likely be fruitful. It's great that they're looking better after moving them. You're very welcome, absolutely! Plant time is time we'll spent! Thank you @sofs-su! I wish you a really beautiful Friday! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙