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RE: Japanese Streets, Kingston Heart Beat # APART

in ReggaeJAHM3 years ago

"You may leave JAH, but JAH never leave ya'.

I can see what you're saying. The local Surinamers and Guyanese in my village, upon hearing I spent 10 years in Cambodia, say things like "I don't like them countries that make war and kill each other, etc." It's a different host of dangers, in the Caribbean I like to watch the eyes of others on the streets because I feel some reveal their intention before physically making any moves.

Of all my time in Jamaica, the only sketchy thing that ever happened to me was a few guys followed me from a distance, and they copied my zig-zag route, causing me to think they were sizing me up. No problem though, because I can disappear like Countryman himself.

In Cambodia it's traffic, drunk driving and domestic violence that are the real killers. No mental health services lead to a lot of breakdowns in the bush. That place looks pretty run-down for Japanese standards.

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded