Jahms/Skates Worth in the Steem Engine..?

in ReggaeJAHM4 years ago

Respect Reggaejahmers ;)

So i just checked my wallet in the steem engine
and i am confused about the prices/worth there.
I see the price for the Jahm around 0,20$ but the
highest bid was like 0,00008 steem.
How is that possible?
I thought the value of a token/currency is defined
by its demand. But people seem to dump it.

Similar with the Skate Token:

I think the skate token has the highest worth.
It was/is between 0,36 - 0,40$.
But when i checked the market, same stuff.
People dumping it waaayyy cheaper.

What is going on here?

Somebodys price makes no sense..???
Why do the tokens have this worth, if nobody
is even gettin' close to that with a bid.
I mean, you couldn't even get 10% of the
official worth, if you wanna trade now.

Thanks for your time




I doubt that the sea in Jamaica is always calm, sometimes there are storms, lol.
You apparently missed a lot. As I understand it, people panic and throw coins cheaply. There are those who bought coins expensively, but do not refuse to buy at a low price, lol.
This is better than an empty field in orders for the purchase of coins.
I hope that the holiday season will resume and everything will fall into place.
You can sell me your SKATE coins, lol.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

 4 years ago  

Yeah, check the price i set...not 0,006 Steem/Skate, i think i put 1,77Steem/Skate..haha.. :))
thinking i gotta reach the 0,36$..haha
Check the answer @knowhow92 ;)
Yesir, hopefully everything reopens and "falls into place".

hey bro, the price is updated with every new sell. The last sell was at 0.006 Steem/ SKATE

If for example someone buys a SKATE Token with 0.1 Steem/Skate your total SKATE value will be higher.
I do not know if that makes sense bro!

 4 years ago  

Hi, my friend. Sorry, i'm a total beginner concerning steem engine....and now i get it! :)
My second time inside the steem engine.
I'm such a dork sometimes...lmao :))
So the 0,20 $ and the 0,36$ i saw was the worth of all the jahm/skate tokens i have.
I thought it was the worth of one token, and i was like wow..:))))!
Hahaha...i never thought the worth would be that low.....
Is there no Hive Engine?

 4 years ago  

Glad @knowhow22 explained it to you. Yeah the prices are low but I don’t think these tokens being on hive would change that much. It is the times and many want cash !!

Yeah , it can seem a little confusing, pop in the engines more often when you can and it gets easier.

 4 years ago  

Greetings Bredda, yeah, that was fun... good when you can laugh about yourself ;)
What was the highest worth the Jahm ever reached?

 4 years ago  

To tell truth idling even remember. But at one point 100 Jahm was one steem.

 4 years ago  

Ah..ok...that was dem better days ;)
So i rather stake my 12.000 liquid Jahm :p