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RE: DashOutSunday- Jamaican Curry Chicken and Rice and Peas

in ReggaeJAHM2 years ago

Yes, it’s the older one than is more open but then again, they’re stuff the younger will eat and the older won’t. 😂🤣

I thought so, because as I got older I became more open to trying out different things. There are also some things I don't like till this day also 😅.

 2 years ago  

😂😂Yes, same here. There’re stuff I didn’t like from my childhood and still don’t like/eat

 2 years ago  

Hahaha, and I haven't unlearned to remove onions to the side. But it's so weird, because in some dishes I do eat the onions and sometimes even raw, but when it's a home cooked (everyday) meal I don't like the texture. That's why we cut the onions to smaller pieces when we're cooking, so that they don't bother me.

 2 years ago  

Haha! Oh my! This is so like me. I’d always remove them from the meals when my mom cooked. Just a few years ago I started eating them. I went to this island here called Awajishima. It’s known for delicious onions. I saw everyone there eating it, even eating it raw. I reluctantly gave it a try. To my surprise, they were sweet and delicious. Since that time I’ve been able to eat slices of it and just cut it up for soups and other dishes. Before that I’d always just grate it so as not to see it. The thing is, I now only use onions from Awajishima because I’m sure they’re “good”. Now that I can “eat it”, maybe it will make eating other types much easier.
I still grate it when marinating meat or poultry.

 2 years ago  

I still grate it when marinating meat or poultry.

The funny thing is, that I can also eat it raw or thinly sliced in certain dishes, like Chinese food or raw and chopped on a frikandel (a sort of Dutch hotdog) or on a burger. But I'm weird when its in other dishes 😅.

 2 years ago  

🤣😂I understand.