Here my presentation (EN)

in Regional Press2 years ago

Hi hivieans, I am very happy to be part of the Hive community

Who am I ?

My name is ahmed i am 17 years old i am a high school student. I have two brothers, my mother is a college teacher.
In high school they call me the "library rat".
I spend all my free time looking for books to read.

My passion

I like reading books.
not to read them on a computer, or a tablet, no my passion is to hold a paper book in my hands, to smell its scent, especially when it's an old book.
To touch its pages, yellowed by time, to feel them crack under your fingers.
I find this kind of books in second-hand booksellers.
I would like to tell you about a book that I read (twice) and which marked me a lot.
Roots written by Alex Haley.
This novel tells the story, over several generations, of a family of African-American slaves. Their daily life is portrayed without concession: forced labor, rape, sale and separation of members of the same family, segregation.

Source Google Source Google I invite you to read this book. I will tell you about the other books that I read in the next posts. Who am I? I am here to learn and also share my passions with members of the Hive ecosystem. I am open to all discussion and enriching sociocultural relations. I hope to be able to contribute positively to the evolution of this ecosystem through my future posts. Encourage me !!!


Welcome to Hive @ahm1, I hope you have a good time here!

Thank you, I am very honored to be part of the community