Cat painting 🎨 by one of my students

in Regional Press2 years ago

Happy New Year! 🎄✨

Greetings dear Hivers, I am posting to show you one of the most wonderful painting I have ever seen.

a cat painting doing by one of my 12 years old students.

A week ago, I was telling a story to my students: "There's a Cat in Our Class!". It's is a little story that helps learners to explore diversity and the value of not only accepting but embracing the differences of others.

Today one of my students show me his painting of the cat :
So, what are you thinking about this ? 💪


Yay! 🤗
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Thank You @ecency and @asmedianet for the encouragement 😍

This is a very beautiful illustration which deserves encouragement.

FR: Il s'agit d'une très belle illustration qui mérite des encouragements.

Thanks a lot dear @asmedianet .

Nice work @artmom I will follow you 👍