3 New Hashtags: Solo-Hashtag / Duo-Hashtag / Trio-Hashtag

in Regional Press3 years ago (edited)


Creation of 3 hashtags "

In order to avoid the empty page "No feeds found"


  • Following the request of Regional Press community 3 new Hashtags were created.

  • Their objectives are to promote an architecture of classifications which make it possible to refine the referencing of posts, and therefore to better find them in Hive communities.


This is the classic Hashtag that refers to one term


This is a Hastage combining 2 terms for example Education and Finance. It will be represented by 3 Hashtags:

  • The Solo-Hashtag: #Education (which allows you to find everything related to education)
  • The Solo-Hashtag: #Finance (which allows you to find everything related to finance)
  • The Duo-Hashtag: #Education-Finance (which allows you to find everything related to education and finance)

The principle of the creation of the duo-hashtag is simple, it is enough to associate the two terms by a hyphen and to classify them in alphabetical order.


This is an Hashtage combining 3 terms, for example: Education, Finance and Gaming. It will be represented by 7 Hashtags:

  • The Solo-Hashtag: #Education (which allows you to find everything related to education)
  • The Solo-Hashtag: #Finance (which allows you to find everything related to finance)
  • The Solo-Hashtag: #Game (which allows you to find everything related to the game)
  • The Duo-Hashtag: #Education-Finance (which allows you to find everything related to education and finance)
  • The Duo-Hashtag: #Education-Game (which allows you to find everything related to education and play (educational game)
  • The Duo-Hashtag: #Finance-Game (which allows you to find everything related to finance and gambling (finance game)
  • The Trio-Hashtag #Education-Finance-Game (which allows you to find everything related to education, finance and gambling (educational game in finance or to understand finance)
    The principle of the creation of the Trio-hashtag is simple, it is enough to associate the three terms by a hyphen and to classify them in alphabetical order.


Here the source of the post of this hashtag

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Images Sources Adapted: Pixabay

#Proofofbrain / #AliveAndThriving / #palnet / #ocd / #peakd / #gems / #ecency / #leofinance / #neoxian / #curation / #curator / #luv / #laruche


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