Bigtime Game Updates - 2 new classes! Claim your Alpha Access pass today (details in this post).

in THGaminglast year

Are you ready for the latest Big Time update?

On November 16th 2022 I went through the process of registering to become a Big Time Game Ambassador. This was done on behalf of @thgaming Guild as we need to have someone 'on the inside', and I am personally controlling all direct communications with the game dev team. We have organised Alpha Access passes for more than 30 of our Gamers, so if you'd like to try out Big Time then read on. I have also included three videos from the official Big Time Youtube Channel, so you can see the latest game updates, including two new Character Classes!

BIGTIME Poster.png

If you choose to sign up using my link please understand that there are always risks involved in crypto and I DO NOT want anyone going out and spending their rent money on Gaming assets! Right now the game is 100% #free2play so you don't even need to buy Land (Spaces) or NFT's to enjoy the experience and find NFT's while playing.

Latest Game Patch V0.26 (5 May 2023)

The major updates to the game in this update are two new playing Classes : Techblade and Battlemancer. Both of these classes can be unlocked to play with once you hit Level 30 in the game.

[ Above ] The Game has recently undergone a HUGE update which you can watch in this 2.5 minute trailer video. This includes two new playable Classes, Thundercube (wave based) gameplay, as well as updates to melee combos and the original Classes.

You can Read the V0.26 Patch Notes here :

There are a few things I really like about Big Time:

  • They have NOT Tokenised yet, but they do have 'Big' plans for their Token in the future (when Beta is released).
  • Because they're in Alpha, they're not concerned with their Token price but rather on developing the Gameplay, which has seen steady advancement and a number of updates in the last few months.
  • This game feels like a AAA rated game with graphics and cooperative gameplay comparable to some of the big MMORPGs (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game) out there!
  • Big Time relies on team building to conquer dungeons, and it's very easy to join a squad or recruit a team even if you jump in alone. You can play alone, but it's far better to group up in order to conquer higher level Dungeons with better NFT drop rates.
  • NFT's can be found within the game which can be sold on the marketplace or saved for later when Beta is released.

If you'd like to test out Big Time I can help you out, read on!

Claim your Ruby VIP Pass

Through the THGaming collaboration with Big Time Game, all of our Discord members will be granted access into Big Time. In order to provide Alpha access, we need to provide a list of names to the Big Time core team. For ANY GAMERS who want to enter, the details are below:

Big time 3.png

To get access:

[1] Create an OpenLoot account at (my Ambassador Link).
[2] Copy your Email + Username (case sensitive).
[3] Join the THGaming Discord.
[4] Find the Big-Time-Game channel and request with @jim-crypto for your name to be added to the access list.
[5] Access is granted every Thursday evening EST.
[6] Optional Extra : If you'd like the 'Big Time Gamers' role on Discord let me know, that way you can be tagged when our teams go out exploring Dungeons.

The download is about 5GBs, so make sure you are on Wifi.

IMPORTANT - If you would like to Sign up using No Referral Link then please read : The official THGaming x Big Time Announcement Post from 15 Nov 2022. Please note that the Official Collab post mentioned is slightly dated as it does not include the latest release Video (Patch v0.26), but the sign up details are the same, simply using the 'standard option'.

Big time 2.png

As mentioned above, the game devs will send Ruby VIP Access passes to all players on our list. Said list will be handed over every Thursday evening (EST time). If you would like to leave our Discord after that feel free to, but we do recommend hanging around to mingle with your fellow Big Time players and joining in on Dungeon runs. Our community continues to grow, and it's always more fun to play with people you know.

Big Time Update - 5 May 2023

This is a great time to join the game, as a HUGE new update has just been launched— watch these short videos on the two new Character Classes below. After this last update all players had their accounts 'wiped' back to level 1, so you won't be far behind other players in the game. Obviously all NFT's found in the game were kept by the gamers who found them whilst playing, so you don't need to worry about losing your NFTs when the next big update occurs.

Techblade :

Battlemancer :

Like all Alpha games, there may be glitches and future updates that completely change Big Time's gameplay and ecosystem. Besides allowing our players to gain access through the 'Ruby Pass system', THGaming Guild is receiving no benefits or sponsorship from our relationship with Big Time. We always try to remain neutral when partnering with Games and have NEVER been paid to promote any Game, Platform or Community.

I only profit from my Referral Link if you decide to buy something on the marketplace. As always, do not invest ANYTHING that you cannot afford to lose. You can play the game and find NFT's for FREE, so PLEASE test it out thoroughly BEFORE deciding whether to spend any crypto / fiat within the game!

Wrap Up

As always—and MOST IMPORTANTLY—do not spend any Money / Crypto you can't afford to lose! The global crypto market is undergoing what could be a long term bear cycle (more sellers than buyers) and everyone should be preparing for the long haul.

During the current bear market, Threshold Guardian Gaming will continue to innovate and collaborate while rigorously developing our Token, Guild and Economy.

If you would like to join THGaming and explore the #metaverse with us, find us on any of our Social Media accounts below.

Trade safely, Game hard!


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I am having a little problem with the login... not sure why!
Do you have a more direct "download to start playing" link? I have signed up but looks like not letting me get to the game.

Ignore... too much lack of rest... promoted for 2 days!

Forgot to read...

To get access:
[1] Create an OpenLoot account at (my Ambassador Link).
[2] Copy your Email + Username (case sensitive).
[3] Join the THGaming Discord.
[4] Find the Big-Time-Game channel and request with @jim-crypto for your name to be added to the access list.
[5] Access is granted every Thursday evening EST.
[6] Optional Extra : If you'd like the 'Big Time Gamers' role on Discord let me know, that way you can be tagged when our teams go out exploring Dungeons.

The download is about 5GBs, so make sure you are on Wifi.


I have to check this out!

This looks really good, I'l 100% be getting onto this game to check it out!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@killerwot(1/10) tipped @jim-crypto

Nice, have a !lolz

I owe my taylor a lot of money.
But he's agreed to cut me some slacks.

Credit: reddit
@jim-crypto, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of

Have you tried the !gif !lolz !meme combo? It is a wall of fun!

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What the network is the game on?
(Im playing only hive games... the gass price ia too much to pay for something that isnt out yet...)

 11 months ago  

It's on ETH and MATIC. No gas fees in the game yet as far as I know as its still in Alpha. But you can still earn NFTs.