Splinterlands : THGaming Guild Recruitment. Brawl spaces available in our three Top Guilds!

in THGaming11 months ago

Join our Splinterlands fam today!

I wanted to let the Splinterlands gamers out there know that we are actively recruiting in our three brawling Guilds! @thgaming is a Tokenised $HIVE Gaming Guild with a thriving community. Our members play many different games but we always go back to our @splinterlands roots. We've lost a few of our Splinterlands Guild members in this horrible bear market, but believe me the gamers who have stuck around are talented Brawlers and we punch well above our weight and have far more wins than losses in all of our Guild Brawls.


Why should you Brawl?

I'm sure most of you already know that @splinterlands has made Guild Brawls truly profitable and Guild Brawlers now win staked $SPS Tokens for Brawl participation. The amount of $SPS you earn is dependent on your Guild Tier (Arena level), Guild Participation (how many Freys are filled) and how well you actually finish in the Brawl each week.

With Splinterlands changing League earning requirements to 'Staked SPS' in the near future, earning SPS will become even more important and Guild Brawls are a great way to accomplish this. It's also likely that the SPS price will rise as this new League requirement comes into effect, so the SPS you earn today will probably be worth (a lot) more in the future!

THGAMING Guilds looking for players :

🏆 THGaming Brawlers TIER 2 BRAWLS - Our highest rated most competitive Brawling Guild. We have decided to move back to Tier 2 brawls after testing Tier 3 for a few months.

  • THGaming Brawlers has three Spaces available.

🏆 THGaming 1 TIER 2 BRAWLS - We have just moved up to Tier 2 Brawls which means increased rewards for all brawlers.

  • THGaming 1 has one Space available.

🏆 THGaming 2 TIER 1 BRAWLS - We usually finish Top 3 in this Guild which is a bit less competitive than our other two Guilds. While it is currently full we are willing to make space for active brawlers as some of the players in there haven't been too active for a while.

  • THGaming 2 has two Spaces available.
Join a THGaming Guild...

As mentioned we do still have positions available in all of our brawling Guilds (our top 3 guilds seen in the picture below). If you'd like to join a THG Splinterlands guild you can simply apply to join and we'll let you in. We also have a Discord server Private Channel for our Guild members only, where we can chat about strategy, share battles and also Ping our Members to remind them to play their brawls.


Brawling is the only way to win Merit Points which can be used to buy Gladius pack that contain Gladiator Cards. Gladiators are incredible overpowered in Splinterlands, and with the new Soulbound Summoners (Conscript Ability) they are now usable in League (ranked) matches. I was super lucky to get my 2nd Gold Chimney Wallstop in my last Gladius pack (pictured below), enabling me to level him up. I play Goldfoil Brawls so this makes him even more valuable to me!


If you apply to join one of our Guilds, please let me know in the comments so that we don't miss you in the membership requests page. I personally have an account in our three brawling guilds so can let you in straight away.

Trade safely, Game hard.



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