
Hello! Glad you joined the community here. I think it would be a good idea to make a post - story about yourself - something from the biography, where you live, what you do, what you are fond of. Well, in the future, communicate in the comments with other users, write yourself about something that other people would be interested to read about. It is worth to find some theme and use the right tags - for example, #photography tag for the post with photos you took. It's also good to find communities on Hive and post directly through them your posts that relate to these communities - so there is a greater chance that more people will see your posts. Take a look here for the communities. And of course you first should read FAQ about Hive. I advise you not to post plagiarized content - it's not good and not welcome on the platform.

So, first, take a closer look at the platform, see how and what people are writing about, find one or more communities that are close to you and write something too. I hope you find it interesting here!

Welcome dear you have advised me good and I hope you always help me dear