From Southern Chile to Brasil Pt 2: The Wicked Smile

in TravelFeedlast month (edited)

My first ride of the journey was a guy who went sniffing cocaine the whole road. Every thirty minutes he would stop for a "huascazo" as he called it, which would literally translate to a hit of the whip. Typical things people that work with horses in south Chile will say. Good thing he was a chill cocaine user and the journey was peacefully, though i was always thinking when he would go into crazy beast mode, but it never happened.

As explained in Pt. 1 , I have no photos of the journey up till Paraguay. Hopefully you enjoy the narrative and imagine things as you like

At one point he lost his phone and I thought: "ohhhh shiiit here it comes. Psychosis, paranoia, fingers pointed at the only one who could have stolen his phone". But no, surprisingly enough, he calmly looked for it until he found it. I suppose it's true that the effects of a drug depend more on the mind of the user rather than the chemicals themselves.

When we arrived at Futaleufu, i felt happy to have traveled as the town had beautiful nocturnal lighting and was very different from Coyhaique. It was clean, orderly, and filled with vegetation that was already quite different from my home. To add to the pleasantness, after a few steps my gaze crossed with a guy who was doing some crafts with copper. I felt instant trust and went to him. Later another dude joined us and we went to a beach to light a fire, cook and smoke weed.

Ah, right. Have I ever told you how weed seeks me out even when I'm not very keen on smoking? Before I left my house in the forest there was a few big branches of cannabis there who I never found out from where they came. A nice gift indeed. So I dried them and took them in a jar, planning on giving away whatever I still had left before I crossed the border to Argentina.

I thought we would be able to smoke more of it, but it was too much and the jar kept pretty much full my whole stay in Futaleufú. I even gave some away but it was not enough to prevent what came in he following days...

With my new friend, Ayun, we found an abandoned house to stay in. The rains where heavy and my tent was soaked, as we're all my clothes. We were able to light a discrete fire which we fed with pieces of cardboard that weren't exactly dry, but worked ok when very small. I confessed to Ayun that this was the most miserable fire I had ever been a part of.

Despite the unfavorable conditions, I felt happy to be with this new friend who I felt understood me a lot more than many people as he too had spent a lot of time alone in Nature learning and nurturing from plants.

At some point he went to get something and I stayed in front of the brasses of the fire. He took the flashlight with him and the room went dark. I focused on the brasses and what I saw deeply disturbed me. There was a demonic face smiling at me, a menacing grin that said: "got you".

To be continued...


What an interesting journey! best of luck with whatever is to come.