
Also pretty sure I understand after the first reply and removing of the post on here. So, quite frankly, don't need you to clarify, yet again, what is already known. So, I would appreciate that. Thanks.

I'm confused. Stop misusing? I used it once. As my intro photo post to the community. My apologies I suppose. And I did Pinmapple. Simply adding it to my travel feed blog as Pinmapple is disappearing soon. Very confused as to why the rudeness. Very excited to become part of a very rude community I suppose? Goodness grief.

I apologize if you interpreted my statement as being rude, it was not intended that way.
But in all frankness, it was the fact that you have been onchain for 3 years and have 1500 posts, therefore you do not need to "introduce" yourself. Very few of the communities are rude, you just need to be aware of the posting rules in each one.
And yes, it's really majorly too bad that the Pinmapple is ending, there are a lot of Hiveans that love that community.
Best wishes for the rest of the time you spend on Hive.

Thank you for the clarification. And thank you for that paragraph as well.
Be well, and stay somber