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RE: Petsitting gig in southern Albania - one step closer to materializing the actual homesteading life!

in TravelFeedlast month (edited)

hi vince,
the music making has reached new levels and i am chasing a high quality release of some sort. been advancing so much in the last few months and these two weeks were golden.
just dont know when i can share it. when i feel it is done. which will probably happen when i have a few tracks i can release together, maybe as my first EP or something?

the overall intermediate target is enouh traxks so i can play a one hour set with them to play live, so presumably 6-8 tracks would be good. like a year of my life or something agahaga.

you will be the third to know as something foes get released, thanks for your interest ♥️

being away from the charts has been a difficult but most healthy decision. we are moving out back into the van in two days and will see what's next. it's all open again, and albania might not actually want us at the end of the day. things are not progressing on the house issue and so we may losok elsewhere. we shall see. but we are in decent spirits

blessings vince 😍😍❤️❤️


just dont know when i can share it. when i feel it is done.

Definitely the best moment to share, when you feel like it (is done)

being away from the charts has been a difficult but most healthy decision.

Makes sense.
Screens can be draining, let alone a 24/7 rollercoaster market.

Heard from @clareartista about your plans to come to Italy. Pretty awesome!✨

yeah we are moving out today and moving back into the can until we leave albania.
so studio gets torn down and blogging station set up again. tying up loose ends here and we'll dare to take the jump (onto a boat).

i sense a glorious mini meetup coming, seeing we are somehow all friends already. <3

edit: into the can. isnt that the truth... van / car makes a can