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RE: A really tragic story about a visa going bad for someone visiting America

in TravelFeed4 months ago

This is such an eye-opening story, and it really puts into perspective the privilege many of us from G8 countries take for granted. It's a stark reminder of the disparities in global mobility and how what's a simple process for some can be a daunting, if not insurmountable, barrier for others. Your experience with the Thai woman highlights the need for empathy and understanding in discussions about travel and immigration. It's crucial to remember that behind every visa application is a person's hope, dreams, and sometimes, their struggles. Thank you for sharing this; it's a powerful call to be more aware and appreciative of the freedoms we enjoy and to advocate for a more equitable and humane approach to global movement.


Thanks for such a great response. For me, hearing her story made me think twice about the next time that I complain about visa problems. The ones I have had in the past are nowhere near as horrible as hers and yes, we G8 people really do have it fantastic as far as travel is concerned.