America - Weekly Round-Up #215

in TravelFeed2 years ago

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Welcome to today's weekly Travelfeed America roundup!

North, Central or South America - we try to cover it all by sharing our favorite articles from these travel destinations submitted to us on and via the TravelFeed communities. Ready for some adventure? We're pretty sure we'll satisfy your wanderlust with the following posts.

The BEST posts for America

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🔗The thumbnails are directly linked to the original posts. Please, click on the image and enjoy the read!

Great American Western Road Trip: Day 1: Snow Canyon by @seangold

Hello Hiveians and welcome back!We’re picking up from the last post and heading to Snow Canyon!After wrapping up most of Valley of Fire, we had to head North to make our timeline work. The plan was to be at Zion National Park for the next morning, and we had about 2 hours of drive time from Valley of Fire. We weren’t sure what we would do for the

Las Vegas, part 9. Grand Canyon. by @lannabeiker

And so we finally arrived at the Grand Canyon, the goal of our trip. Grand Canyon, Arizona, United States Grand Canyon, Arizona, United States There were a lot of people, the funny thing is that we saw that the bulk of all the people who were on the Canyon were Chinese.They, as always, in ”small” groups of 100 people got off the arriving buses

Trip to South America no. 88 Ecuador – Coffee plantation by @olusiu

[ENG] At the turn of February and March 2020, the coronavirus was becoming bolder in the world. He made himself at home in Europe, in Italy, the first illnesses resulted in the depletion of shop shelves of basic products. It is not there yet in Poland, but people are starting to panic, the stock market has the worst week in 12 years, and we were

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