Asia - Weekly Round-Up #333

in TravelFeed2 months ago

Welcome to today's weekly Travelfeed Asia roundup!

Are you bored out of your mind and need a distraction? Then we got the right articles for you, the following are our favorite posts from last week featuring Asia. Start reading and daydreaming. If you haven't shared your stories yet, don't forget to give it a try on TravelFeed!

The BEST posts for Asia

A quick recap - the post rewards of this curation post will be distributed as follows:

  • Each featured author is set as a 13% beneficiary of this post;
  • The rest of the earnings will be used to power up the @travelfeed account.

🔗The thumbnails are directly linked to the original posts. Please, click on the image and enjoy the read!

Alanya Dim Cave / Alanya Dim Mağarası ( EN-TR) by @passenger777

EN Hello Dear Travelers, I visited most of the caves in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey. I must admit, one of the caves that excited and intrigued me the most was Dim Cave. I would love for you to see the cave, which stands out with its natural formations among the beauties the earth offers us. To come to the cave, you need to come to Alanya

A wintery tour through Ochijuku 👹🍣🎎 My Japan by @maxinpower

Traveling is also fun in winter, and some regions have a very special charm during the cold season. In addition, it is often very interesting to see how places and landscapes change throughout the year, especially if you visit and tour these places repeatedly. Of course, it is a little easier and more pleasant to travel and move around the

Qila-i-Akbari - Agra’s Lal Qila (Red Fort) by @sanjeevm

A walled city with a scenic view of Taj Mahal Lal Qila is typically referred to the Red Forte in New Delhi, but then there is another Red Forte in Agra, which I felt, is superior in architecture than its New Delhi Counterpart. After getting out of Tajmahal, we decided to visit this iconic forte, that was renovated by Shah Jahan so that he can

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All the articles you chose were of very good quality. I enjoyed reading it. Also, I was very happy that you included my article. Thank you very much to those who contributed and to your team.

Thank you a lot for the honor.