Two Pieces of street art from Melbourne Australia - featuring Dogecoin

in StreetArt3 years ago


I particularly like this piece, found down a laneway off Flinders lane - It's by LushSux who does at fair amount of popular meme/social commentary sort of work. The thought of Elon holding up Dogecoin like it's the second coming of christ is amusing. It didn't really work out for Simba that well, although maybe it did - I mean everyone's dad has to die eventually and the circle of life and all that crap.


Our second piece is more of the sort of stuff you get in Melbourne, which is to say a lot of paste ups, some of these are quite famous. The 'Aussie' series which is a statement about acceptance and racism in Australia. If you are not aware the man in the poster is Monga Khan - it was his ID card photo from 1916 - unusual as he was except from the White Australia policy - basically you weren't allowed to come to Australia unless you were white, or your could get an exception if you were considered an 'essential worker' which I think was code for 'doing a job white english people either don't know how to do/can't be bothered doing. Which I believe is how my Southern Italian grandfather snuck in the late 1920's

Anyway the poster, by artist Peter Dew is pretty widespread in Australia now, as are the rest of the series (I think there are four, maybe I'll see if I can find all of them in their natural environment.


Cool meme done by LushSux and interesting the history behind the paste up about Monga Kahn.

Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Great works... very fun one done for Dogecoin 😀