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RE: (ENG/ESP) Colorful mural for a park that looks like a liminal space πŸ‘€ / Mural colorido para un parque con aspecto de espacio liminal πŸ‘€

in StreetArt β€’ last month

Many times things happen for a reason, dear friend @suezoe, it was great to get lost and find this beautiful street work.
I love the color scheme
have a beautiful day

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That's right, that's why I no longer get upset when that happens (because I get lost quite easily πŸ˜†), because I have ended up realizing that, when I get "lost", I always end up reaching interesting places. Thank you very much for coming to look at the photographs and for your comment. Also, have a nice day πŸ˜‰πŸ’š

sue_smile corazon.png