Lviv Street Art Gallery

in StreetArt3 months ago

Hello. Recently, I got lost in one of the old districts of my city. This area is known for its reputation. There used to be bandit shootouts and murders there.

Today, on one of the walls of the building, artists-activists depicted a gallery of street paintings. These are interesting pictures. I decided to look at them.

it's the first time I've seen such a street art exhibition. some people also stopped in front of this painted wall to look at the paintings. I really liked the art available. Although I still did not understand the meaning of these images.

Now the district that once acquired such terrible stories is turning into an artistic district for me. I'm going to visit this place in a while to look at the new street paintings.

I am sure that every work of art must have an underlying meaning or some interesting idea. This is the only way artists can convey their ideas to passers-by. Accordingly, people each have their own vision of the picture, and everyone sees their own essence in it.

And yet, I would be happy to talk to the authors, because several of them painted these graphic pictures on the walls.

I'm glad I got lost and was able to check out this street art exhibit. I liked some of the drawings, and some I did not understand. For the future, it would be good to at least write the title next to the picture.

Thanks for your attention and visit!


As I said in the Weekly StreetArt, great selection of StreetArt in this wall. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a lovely day