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RE: CCC's Street Art Contest #127 ~ StreetArt find in AVIEMORE, Scotland ~ UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

in StreetArt β€’ last year

Yes indeed, nostalgic and really - not that long ago. As they (used) to say.. If cars developed as fast as computers we would be flying by now! 🀣🀣🀣
Of course, computers did have a hand in developing computers...
But yes I do remember being Very Happy waiting for my downloads! Seemed almost like Magic! ✨

Yeah, imagine telling a 16-18 year old today we had "one" phone in the kitchen with a long cord for the hand set. We had the same phone maybe 12 or more years. The teenage iPhone crowd couldn't handle that! But I will admit that phone does have a somewhat expanded meaning in today's world.

Oh yeah, all things considered I believe I will be keepin the speed around 100 to maybe 120 kph, nothing more than that. Plus after you get above 2000 rpms the 5 liter begins to really burn gas!
Also depending on how much weight I have onboard I could even be a little slower... Top heavy....

I am glad You have Starlink πŸ›°οΈ up and running!
YAY! πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ It will definitely ease some frustrations for sure! Conference calls are "horrible" if you are using VoIP and have crappy I-Net. Basically unusable...

Yeah, very sad... And I don't understand why? There is no reason for all of this. And worse is they act "jealous" of me - and should not be really, but that does make them dangerous!
The fatter ones avoidance of work, is really killing them - as he is still trying to eat like a King. The Credit Card thing is a huge error. I know the mom is thinking he will get a job and we will pay it back.. But the obvious says he is not getting another job, and if he did (big "if" there) did he ever pay for things?
Totally nuts!
And believe me, they are having a hard time dealing with being broke...

I am definitely keeping the guard up, have to at this point - desperate people do desperate things....

Thank You My Friend @littlebee4 as well!
Wishing You a Very Happy Thursday, and Yes indeed - Let's make it fun and Magical!

Take Care and Stay Blessed and Safe!

Positive Energy Thursday!

Till we meet again...😎

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