Antofagasta Street Art (En/Es)

in StreetArtlast month



This post is a new entry in my series about the street art of the northern city of Chile, Antofagasta. I show photos of a mural, we can say that its main feature is its darkness, for its thematic and the colors used. As we can notice the painting is very detailed.

The first two photos shows part of the mural, where as the other shows its surroundings. I also show (as an experiment) a black and white version.


En esta nueva publicación de fotografías de arte urbano de la ciudad de Antofagasta. Muestro un mural, que se caracteriza por su naturaleza obscura, tanto del tema como de los colores usados. Como pueden observar la pintura es bastante detallada.

Las primeras fotos muestran detalles del mural, mientras que otra dan idea del entorno donde está ubicado. De manera experimental publico una versión en blanco y negro.


For taking the photos it was used the camera of a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra and Gimp for processing and editing the images.

Para captar las imágenes se uso la cámara de un Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra y Gimp en la edición.


These photos are my entry of this week CCC’s Street Art Contest (#196) organized by @digi-me, the rules of the contest are here.

Con esta fotos estoy participando en el concurso fotográfico sobre arte urbano: CCC’s Street Art Contest #196 organizado por @digi-me. Las reglas del concurso están en este post.


Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.

Gracias por visitar mi blog y espero que el post haya sido de su agrado.

Photos by @nenio — All rights reserved


Very cool wall with all these works. This tiger is so beautiful. Hope to see the other parts of the wall in future posts. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Enjoy your day

Thank you