Antofagasta Street Art: Green eyes — Ojos verdes (En/Es)

in StreetArt2 years ago (edited)



Continuing with my series of posts about the street art of Antofagasta (a Chilean city, located at the north of the country), I publish three photos of a mural that was a decorative painting on an external wall of a commercial premises, which currently is out of business.
The first image, is the mural in detail. It is worth noting the colors and style of the painting. The green eyes capture the attention of the observer. The other two photos show the surrounding of the mural, as you can see the property is for sale.


Continuando con mi serie de posts sobre el arte urbano de la ciudad chilena de Antofagasta, muestro hoy un mural que adornaba una de las paredes exteriores de un comercio que ya no se encuentra en funciones.
Comparto tres fotografías, la primera es de un acercamiento del mural que tienen un estilo artístico bastante interesante. En las otras se puede ver el local donde está ubicado. Observen que la propiedad está en venta.


These photos are my entry of this week CCC’s Street Art Contest (#144) organized by @digi-me, the rules of the contest are here.
Con esta fotos estoy participando en el concurso fotográfico sobre arte urbano: CCC’s Street Art Contest #144 organizado por @digi-me. Las reglas del concurso están en este post.


The photos were taken with the camera of a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra and edited in Gimp.
La fotografías fueron tomadas con la cámara de un Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra y editadas en Gimp.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope that you enjoyed the post.

Gracias por visitar mi blog y espero que el post haya sido de su agrado.

Photos by @nenio — All rights reserved


Cool worh with these eyes. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Have a great day.