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RE: [Voting Post] - Graffiti Lettering Contest #5 (DOT) (3 votes) - {TOP 3 Participants Prizes: 2 HBD + 5 HIVE + 5 POB}

in StreetArt3 years ago (edited)

@wesphilbin @stayten @catword @moon-city @failingforwards @brittandjosie @thekittygirl @heroldius @digi-me @gaboamc2393 @nineclaws @trincowski @ryzeonline @deepresearch @macchiata @qwerrie @yems @ran.koree @zolajade @mimi05 @rilo @latinocaracas @alovely088 @andre-marg25

I am tagging you all here just to inform you that I have 2 very busy days ahead with work and I won't be back home until Monday evening, unfortunately I have to delay the 6th post to Monday evening / Tuesday morning, sorry about the delay, payouts and everything will be done Monday / Tuesday as well!

Sorry about this, I will try to organise my time better in order to not have such a problem in the future!
Thanks for your understanding, in the meantime if you feel fancy select the 3 best works in this post and tag the artists because for this week only @digi-me voted and without other voters that would put me in a very difficult place to draw the winners and do the rankings, Thanks :)

Wish everyone a wonderful Sunday!



Hey @trippymane, life is like that at times and you have to attend to LIFE, lol. I know all about that. Sending you lots of hugs. 🤗


wonderful Sunday to you too. Come back when you have time!

Thank you :)

Don't worry... it gives me more time to choose my favorite dot 😀... For me @ran.koree 👍