Concurso de Arte Callejero de CCC #120

in StreetArtlast year

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-28 at 11.42.21 AM.jpeg

Dulce Amarga 🍄💎🌌

centro artistico San Ignacio- Medellin Colombia27-11-2022colectico artistico Suura Lawca


Location Historic Center San Ignacio- Medellin Colombia
Date 27-11-2022
Suurala Wuanua Artistic Collective


Saludos a todos los amantes del arte urbano, hoy les traigo una hermosa pieza que a mi parecer es una FANTASIA llena de color, femineidad, podría decir que tiene rasgos bastante juveniles, psicodélico, sin duda una pieza que nos lleva a un mundo idílico que nos atrae completamente.


Greetings to all lovers of urban art, today I bring you a beautiful piece that in my opinion is a FANTASY full of color, femininity, I could say that it has quite youthful features, psychedelic, without a doubt a piece that takes us to an idyllic world that It completely draws us in.

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WhatsApp Image 2022-11-28 at 11.35.35 AM.jpeg

Una simple caminata dominguera con mi hija se convirtió en un espectáculo colorido y mágico, esta pieza es titulada BITTER SWEET este colectivo femenino lo considera así algo dulce y amargo, ¿me pregunto por qué? Lo observo y creo que esa imagen de una niña o niño joven entres hermosos pétalos, perdido en el universo, entre colibrís, me hace pensar que ahí está lo amargo saben, en la búsqueda de su destino, en saber su futuro y poder soñarlo y encontrarlo, bueno mi hija lo ve de esta forma ella tiene mejor ojo artístico que yo, lo cierto que fue mágico conseguirlo, tomarnos unos minutos para apreciarlo y para capturar lo mejor posible sus imágenes y regalarlo a mis amigos de arte urbano.


A simple Sunday walk with my daughter turned into a colorful and magical show, this piece is entitled BITTER SWEET, this female collective considers it something sweet and sour, I wonder why? I look at it and I think that image of a young girl or boy between beautiful petals, lost in the universe, between hummingbirds, makes me think that there is the bitter thing, they know, in the search for their destiny, in knowing their future and being able to dream it and find it, well my daughter sees it this way she has a better artistic eye than me, the truth is that it was magical to get it, take a few minutes to appreciate it and to capture its images as best as possible and give it to my urban art friends.

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WhatsApp Image 2022-11-28 at 11.42.21 AM.jpeg

Gracias siempre por el apoyo y por leer mi trabajo éxito para todos.


Thank you always for the support and for reading my work success for all


📝All content is mine.
📸 Photos taken with my Motorola G8 phone
✨Google translator.


Beautiful work, very colorful... Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community and all the success for the contest.


@heroldius Thank you always for noticing my works.😉

Es precioso este mural, buena suerte


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@heroldius(2/5) tipped @unuma (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

@pizzabot wow wow thanks always for the support😁🍕🍕

So beautiful… great find 😎😊
Thanks for sharing.