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RE: CCC's Street Art Contest #82 | 100% Liquid Payout as Prize Pool & Winners of #81

in StreetArt2 years ago

Congrats to the winners @cryptosimplify, @heroldius and @coquicoin. Those are some nice finds!
Also congrats to the honourable mentions @qwerrie4, @stortebeker, @street-ar and @karbea.
Looking forward to all entry's for this week.

Also, here is my entry for this week by the Iconoclash curator himself, Simian Switch.



Thank you for the mention! And good luck this week!

Thanks 🙂

 2 years ago  

Well at least you tried to go back to try to avoid the car in the front! It is so anoying when cars are parked in the front.... But your close up photos shows what a great mural this is. This is really impressive work! thanks a lot for sharing with us :)