Green-Busch Fertilizer Co | Liberated.

in Gaming Photography25 days ago

I was in a truck and I needed a helicopter to fly high to look for a mountain to climb to get mountain stories for the last contest where I participated and following the radar for a helicopter, I found one but it was in a cult outpost. So, I decided to liberate the cult outpost and take the helicopter after that and if I'm not wrong, its in Faith's region.

I was driving the truck when my companion fighter was chilling behind the truck. There was a tower near the outpost where we climbed up and I checked out the place and the cults first.

There were a lot of cults around and there were two alarm systems as well. Before I started open fire, I tried to see the locations of the cults.

Then I tried sniping one of them but I missed and the other noticed my presence there and all of them started shooting us and they activated the alarm towers so more cults were joining them and they knocked down my companion fighter once whom I saved.

But they kept shooting and getting us down and they were throwing grenades as well that were creating the surroundings a little invisible and it was hard to keep up with them but we were trying our best.

Then a chopper of them took over and started shooting us with heavy bullets when I lost all ammo of my machine gun and got my handgun only and they took both me and my fighter companion down.

At the restart, I decided to liberate this outpost quietly in stealth fight so I used the rope there to get inside the outpost first and my companion fighter followed me in the same way.

It was my first take there whom I took down silently when no one understood anything and I asked my companion fighter to stay there and look around.

Then we climbed up and I disabled that alarm system when there was another one somewhere that I didn't know about yet. And then we started exploring around.

Suddenly this cult came out and almost noticed me and I hardly hid there somewhere and then I took him down surprisingly from behind. I didn't know or I forgot that I can use the photo mode in such combat scenes that gives me fantastic photos.

I found another cult there right beside an active alarm system and I took him down silently as well and you can see it's already dark there. After taking him down, I disabled the alarm system.

Then I noticed two cults were guarding around the place in the ground when I was above them. They were listening to cool county music while guarding around.

I tried getting up to the highest place of this outpost to see more of this place and after getting there, I found a big locker but it was locked and I didn't have the key.

I came down a little and I noticed there were two cults on the floor where I left a dead body of a cult. I should've move and hid the body somewhere.

I noticed this cult guarding around that terrace and there was this way above him that I was using to get close to him and I was thinking of jumping on him and taking him down quietly but he somehow noticed me and started shooting me and all the alive cults in this outpost now knew my presence there.

I jumped down and knocked this cult first who blew up my cover and I see melee combat in this game is really helpful.

Then I killed all the cults there who were still alive and my companion fighter helped me in this fight. Fortunately, I disabled the alarm systems otherwise there would be more of them.

We were succeeded in liberating this outpost and then our peoples took over this place and started making this place their own.

There was this dog that I could pet and I didn't know this is something I could do in this game.

Then I went for the helicopter and I asked my companion fighter to join me so we could fly to a mountain and cook up some mountain stories.

How about we continue in another post?

Thanks for reading my post.


Most of your photo captures look great but I liked the very last capture most where the lady was running for the chopper and it gives an action vibe. @tipu curate 8

I'm glad you enjoyed the captures, especially the last one. It really does capture that intense action vibe that makes Far Cry so exciting. Thanks for your support.

It's incredible how quickly a mission can complicate. After the enemy helicopter arrived, it all turned into a fierce battle.

This game is great at turning the tide of a mission in an instant, especially when enemy helicopters show up. I wish I had the armed helicopter with me at that time.

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Amazing screenshots, this game has very amazing graphics, and I don't know why when a helicopter appears, chaos ensues for both the good guys and the bad guys.

Written by lionsaturbix

Right, it does have incredible graphics that really bring its world to life. Thanks for your comment @lionsaturbix.