Huge buildings in Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning.

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In the #gaming industry there are numerous games, which have excellent scenery designs and structural elements. I could mention some of them, but it is clear that if I do so, some very good ones would be left out of my list. However, there are also some games that also have very good design features, although their graphics engines do not compete with the current ones.

And yes, I'm talking about my beloved Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning which despite not having a photo mode, it does have some magnificent buildings which I think are worthy of the current weekly community contest. So today I bring you a little tour through some of the most curious and impressive buildings that I have found in this wonderful game.

As you know, in this fantasy game there are many races, which have their own technology and designs. A clear example of this would be the dwarves, who prefer to build their roofs in the shape of a dome. The following image is a laboratory which I decided to photograph, since its roof resembled a hat.

After the dwarves we move on to human buildings. Humans, being the most numerous race, tend to separate into castes, kingdoms and religions, which makes their buildings very similar but with slight modifications.

To take some of these photos I had to wait until it got dark, because some of these human brotherhoods are enemies and do not let me get close to their fortresses.

But the wait was worth it, as he is also able to capture some scenes where moonlight rays hit the surface of the guaria armor while a thick mist enveloped the entire cold structure.

Something curious is that humans not only build fortresses, but also around the map you can find churches where they gather to praise some deity or even use them to celebrate rites.

Also in some parts of the map you can find tombs in honor of great kings or heroes of antiquity. These tombs are usually built in the depths, but there are some occasions in which by natural causes they are exposed. In this case, I believe that this tomb was exposed by looters, since some of its walls were damaged. The curious thing is that in spite of being a tomb, it has a certain resemblance with a military fortress.

Once the human territory is covered, it is the turn of the fae (elves). You cannot visit many of the fae cities, since to access some of them you have to do a series of quests, but what I could do was to take pictures of the entrance of one of their main cities. As far as I could see, fae architects prefer the color green above all, and by using magic they make their buildings look like living trees. And so much greenery is due to the large amount of water that constantly runs through their cities.

And finally I leave some photos of the remains of buildings of some ancient civilization. In the game they don't say anything about them and for now I haven't touched anything of the DLC content, so for me they are ancestors. Scattered around the map, sometimes you can find a set of pillars, as if it were a cathedral, but very old, with characteristics that differ from the human, elf and dwarf.

And so we come to the end of the tour and also concludes my entry in the weekly community contest. I hope you like the images and I for one will wait until next week to participate once again in the initiatives.


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Translated by DeepL

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The tombs are beautiful, I also liked the castle very much.

In a way they all have their charm. The architects had very good taste.

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Those are some amazing but horrible buildings at the same time. Looks like a setting for some kind of horror movie.

Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @ahmedhayat. Keep spreading love through ecency

Who knows what evil deeds are committed inside? I think I will soon find out.

Thanks for the support 🤗

I have played this game before and I don't know if I remember it well, but in the last screenshots I think it was something about elves, the truth is that their buildings were extraordinary and amazing, especially the thousands of particles they have, excellent screenshots my friend, thanks for participating.

Undoubtedly the landscapes are amazing. A pity that the graphic engine is old.

It's funny how the dwarves always have that kind of buildings that identify them, wherever they are in any video game, they always have something in their buildings that distinguish them from the rest, thanks for participating.

It must be because of their stature, it does them no good to have a 4 meter building 😅.

It is extremely interesting these structures that the video game has, I really love the fact that each of them have unique characteristics according to the race by which they are inhabited, that photograph of the guard backing the castle while a ray of the moon reflects his armor this epic and at the precise moment you took it. Good luck my friend!

And those were just the ones I discovered. I imagine that later on there will be some more amazing buildings.

I would like to see more exotic structures or villages coming soon! You know if you make another post about this video game and it's to your liking, feel free to tag me!

Very good idea, I will keep it in mind.