Our journey continues in finding the twelve towers.

Our journey in Madagascar continues after doing the badass fight with the armies of Nadine. Its time we keep moving forward riding the jeep and get to the exact location that we found in the cave in the previous chapter.

When I was driving the jeep. Nate was asking Sullivan how well he knows Nadine so he can contact her and convince her to call off her goons but Sully laughed it off and we noticed military trucks of Shoreline in front of us though they were far.

When Sullivan was asking Sam about his prison days like how he managed to pass his days in prison and Sam started telling his stories about that, I found a well there and I stopped to check what I can find beneath.

There was a big chamber beneath the well and I found dead bodies, skeletons inside there and I guess they went there for the treasure long ago. I found this letter of a death treasure seeker that I kept in side the journal diary like I normally do.

There was a part where was a treasure waiting for me but I was unable to get there cause there was water line just below that part so I was unable to jump and after trying and looking for ways to go up there for a moment, I was almost giving it up.

And then I understood that it was about using the hook of my jeep and break a wooden log so I get a way to climb up there and get the treasure that I didn't think worth checking the details.

After driving the jeep for some moments more, we found another ruin where I noticed some goons of Nadine were investigating for treasures and I was ready to take them down sneakily.

This man was taking photos of something using a camera and he was my second hunt after I hunted down the other one on the ground.

Then I noticed this man investigating the ground of this part of the ruins and he was too busy finding treasure that he didn't notice me coming behind him and taking him down. Then all of us took cover there as we noticed another armed goon not far from us.

When this man looked on the other side for a second, I went and hid there so I could take him down the next time he look on the other side but I kept waiting and he was not looking away so I had to take risk to take him down and I almost got caught.

Then I took this man down who was trying to guard the whole place walking on this terrace when the other one was looking for something there in the grass.

After taking this man down, I took the other one down as well and they were all in this ruins and I successfully took down everyone in stealth in one chance.

There I stopped taking the others only to check out this great view. That city or you can say village looks great from up here. I wish I could fly there.

Then I noticed this tunnel in a mountain and I started passing it and found the other way which was actually our way to move but why on foot when we had jeep?

I returned and I drove the jeep through this tunnel and I guess this tunnel was already there and not made by Nadine's men.

There was this watchtower on top of a hil. where we had to using a dangerous route and you can see how both Sam and Sullivan were looking on the routes when I was driving there.

After Nate used his journal to write about this watchtower, I climbed it and I reached the top to get a good view and I noticed another watchtower which was broken and not too far from us.

I could see the part that we were taking to get to this place and I could see the well also that I explored a moment ago.

I don't know how Nate understood that I was going to take pictures there as he took this pose when I was taking pictures so I made the man my model there. Now when we're done with the photoshoot, we'll go towards that tower on the other hill.

The next post will be coming soon. Screenshots are my take from the game and I took the game logo that I used on the thumbnail picture from online.



Excellent photos taken in Madagascar. That jeep is tough, there's no road it can't travel.

Excelentes fotos tomadas en Madagascar. Ese jeep es resistente, no hay camino por el que no pueda transitar.

Thank you. You're not wrong about the jeep, it can conquer any roads.

I need one like this. 😆

Who doesn't man? I mean I guess everyone should be willing to have such a monster car.

💯% agree.

The storyline and adventures look amazing. From searching for secret treasure under a tunnel via fighting goons to traveling through mountain cliffs. All the adventures look cool. The jeep must have a pretty powerful engine to be able to drive through this rough terrain. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Commented by @itadori-yuji

@sagarkothari88 vote

Hi @itadori-yuji, thank you for your feedback and the support.

You're absolutely right about its incredible storyline and adventure. And yes, the jeep is definitely equipped with a powerful engine to tackle the rough terrains.

You're Welcome and good luck on your journey ahead.

the photos of the landscapes are beautiful

Everything about this game looks beautiful to me. I guess every gamer should try this game at least once in their life.

Great takes. Can't wait to see what comes next. @tipu curate 8

Thank you. The next one is coming soon and you'll love that as well.
