Gaming Photography Community Spotlight: Weekly Highlights.

in Gaming Photographylast month

Community Spotlight: Weekly Highlights

Throughout the whole week, we got a handful of content from our community members with some cool gaming photographs and now it's time we do weekly highlights, of course by highlighting some of those contents. There'll be seven posts from seven different days (one post for each day).

"Wallpaper Worth Pictures" from theHunter: Call of the Wild

This week @pravesh0 has surprised us with magnificent screenshots of one of his favorite video games The Hunter: Call of the Wild, his publication is based on the previous topic we had, being screenshots that we can use as wallpapers on our computers or mobile devices.

Personally I liked each and every one of his screenshots, showing us wonderful landscapes that this game offers us, and not only that, but some of them convey tranquility by the colors that have some of them, very warm tones that I have even taken advantage to take one of them as background of my desktop of how good it is.

Captures that will make you Awww - RDR 2!

Our good friend @theindiankid did not want to be left behind and also participated in last week's topic, sharing with us magnificent screenshots of RDR2, without a doubt is one of the viral video games that we currently have, its immense world offers us thousands of amazing moments that we can live in the game outside the main missions, which is amazing to relax a little bit of so many missions.

His captures have been very exciting and amazing, between him and the other players that play RDR2, they do an excellent job sharing with us every moment that is lived in the game.

Wallpaper Worth Pictures in Red Dead Redemption 2.

@izuki.midoriya in this week also participated in our theme, and his screenshots were very fascinating, what we found most surprising is that he not only showed us wallpapers of his computer game, but also gave us a preview of how it would look on mobile devices.

In a very orderly and detailed way of the things we can find in the world of video games, he did an excellent job this week and in addition to this, his screenshots were very surprising.

The highest peak of Jotunheim.

This week @bong1011 has shared with us amazing screenshots in the God Of War world, his adventure is about to culminate in this game and he has revealed us many impressive things, totally amazing landscapes and epic moments that we can live in this videogame.

This game is so amazing that even when the end is near, he doesn't want it to end, highlighting how wonderful the graphics and story are.

We stole a Spanish Galleon

In this week @edeyglezsosa has been showing amazing screenshots of Assassin's Creed where he can do many things as a pirate in this game, graphically the game is very well worked.

This time he had the audacity to steal a Spanish ship, the landscapes in the process were very mind blowing, the views of the ships with the storm were great, especially when he tries to explore an island, the views he had from so high up were very beautiful.

The Liston Knife for Addy.

Our good friend @naeemulnepun continues to share with us amazing chapters in the world of Days Gone, the world is in chaos because of the terrible events that have lived in that game, but still, although everything is a mess, our featured author shares with us the fantastic views that this game gives us.

This time, his goal was to find a special knife, during his search he was exploring until he reached his goal with his motorcycle until some wolves were attacking him, the scenes in those captures were very amazing.

Sam needed a dream to change his mind.

After @hrichakar found out that the president of the USA was Sam's mother in the world of Death Stradin, his new goal was to save his sister Amelie, but he didn't want to get involved with anyone, since he wanted to keep everything secret to avoid problems.

In order to rescue her sister, she will have to get involved in a dangerous mission, where she will not even know where to start in order to rescue her sister, the visions that Sam has because of the bond she has with her sister are very amazing, they almost seem real in the game.

We suggest you check what others are contributing in this community and to engage with them through your comments, upvotes and follows which would make the community stronger in the long run.

The thumbnail of this post is made in Canva.

50% of this post reward has been set to @lionsaturbix as a beneficiary for his moderating work and all liquid rewards of the remaining 50% will go to the prize pool of future contests.


Thanks for taking my post.

Thanks to you for always sharing with us your amazing captures.

You're very welcome. It's my pleasure to share these gaming moments with you.

Thanks for the feature.

Thanks to you for sharing your adventures with us

Its my pleasure and I enjoy sharing my gaming adventure here with you guys.

@tipu curate 8

Thank you very much for your positive feedback, it is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for highlighting mine.

you have done an excellent job, thank you for being with us.