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RE: Screenshots my favorite game / First post within the community [ENG/ESP] Capturas de mi juego favorito / Primera publicación dentro de la comunidad

in Gaming Photography5 months ago (edited)

Hello. Welcome and thank you for your contribution into the gaming photography community.

This game gives me a Prince of Persia vibe. It'd be great if you publish post within this community through ecency frontend which will help the community earning some points that might help to boost one of your content someday.

We look forward to see more of your special gaming moments.

We suggest you check what others are contributing in this community and feel free to engage with them through your comments, upvotes and follows.



Super grateful, I will take into account these indications, and my next publications will be from ecency interface, for me it is also a pleasure to help and support the community.

I'm glad to know that you found the indications helpful, and I appreciate your willingness to contribute to the community through the Ecency interface. Good luck.