New Journey Begains At John's Region. Far Cry 5.

in Gaming Photography6 months ago

Hello Guys

I've recently liberated Faith's Region of Hainbay River in Far Cry 5. Which was one of the three parts of the game. And after that, I'm at John's Region to liberate it now. I started with the center point called Fall's End. After that now I'm clearing off all the story and side missions. It's taking me less time than before cause now I know what exactly to do to increase the pace of my missions. And I'll share some of my unique moments below with you.

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This is the famous Spread Eagle Bar of Fall's End. This is the main operational base for the resistance in John's Region. I first came here when I was still in Faith's region. But I had to come here urgently to rescue the resistance members. But now, it's a fully resistance-controlled area. It's a beautiful town.

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My first mission was to destroy an armored truck called the Revelator. This truck is huge and made with bulletproof glass and reinforced steel. It also has a built-in 50 cal machine gun mounted and it's almost impossible to destroy. I've tried for a long time to destroy it but failed each time. So, I decided to get on my helicopter and was able to destroy it using the missiles from the helicopter.

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Do you remember my mission to kill a blissed cougar? I got a similar mission this time. It's another experimental beast. This time they did it on a Moose. Now, these animals are super powerful and have annoying hallucination powers. I even got hallucinated while I was on the helicopter and tried to get close to it to take a good shot. If it wasn't for the mounted machine gun, it'd be a lot harder to kill that beast.

The helicopter was also helpful to destroy the silos. Normally you can destroy them using RPG but they are not available always. But, you could normally destroy them using the machine gun from the helicopter. And I was able to destroy 5 of them in just 2 minutes. Normally it'd take me at least 20+ minutes to destroy them.

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And then I liberated a place called Sunrise Farm. This place was another important spot for the resistance to claim. All the trades of vegetables and fruits happen here. They needed it to have enough supply of food and control the supply chain.

Hey, check out my new helicopter. I also added a camo to it to make it look cool. My previous one was a 2 seater single chopper. And it could take only a few shots worth of damage. But, with this new one, I'm gonna rock all over the place. This new one has weapons like the old one but this has more speed and the maneuvering ability is great. And as soon as I gather enough money, I'm gonna buy another one with more guns.

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I hope you liked my picture and the shots. Tell me your thoughts in the comment section. Also thanks a lot for your time and effort in reading my post to the end with patience.

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Nice photographing. This games graphics looks damn beautiful.

Thanks a lot mate

Excellent captures. According to your account, the helicopter seems to be a highly effective tool for completing missions related to destruction.

Excelentes capturas. Según tu relato, el helicóptero parece ser una herramienta sumamente efectiva para completar misiones relacionadas con la destrucción.

Yes, it is. The helicopter made it a lot easier for me to beat all of the enemy soldiers.

What a fantastic graphic this game has! Great takes. Why don't you show us more great photos on your way in the same post? We deserve to see more photos of this beautiful game, don't we?

BTW, I had this question in my mind about this game. Do you get to play in 3rd person or is it a first person game by default? @sagarkothari88 vote 17.5%

Hey @itadori-yuji! sagarkothari88 upvoted based on request from @gamingphoto
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Thanks a lot @sagarkothari88 & @gamingphoto for the support

You're most welcome.

Thanks a lot. I'll add more photos in my posts in the future. And I never actually thought about playing it in 3rd person. And according to Google, there's no option for 3rd person in the game. But, you can take 3rd person screenshots using the photo mode option.

You're most welcome.

And according to Google, there's no option for 3rd person in the game. But, you can take 3rd person screenshots using the photo mode option.

I see.

Yay! 🤗
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thanks a lot @gamingphoto

You're most welcome.

Cool pictures. Far Cry 5 is one of the best games I've tried till now.
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