Van Horn - The Drunk City.

When I was looking for rides for the previous contest of @gamingphoto and I reached Saint Denis, I suddenly noticed a watch tower somewhere and then I found this village called Van Horn. I didn't check on this village that day but I kept it in my wish list and today I visited and found its a drunk village . This post is about how I spent some moments and what I found in Van Horn.

Yeah, that's the watch tower I was talking about. I climbed on top of the watch tower the other day so I'm not going to do it again and I was happy to find Arthur close to the village after I stared playing almost a week later.

Let's get into the village. I was riding my racer horse and my secondary white horse was following me who unfortunately died somehow later in the swamp part of Saint Denis. The whole village was by the bank of the river and it didn't take a big space. A part of the village was floating on the water.

When I was walking my horse in the village, I noticed some guys there and I tried greeting them. There are both good peoples and rude peoples in here and I noticed most peoples here are either drinking or smoking. I noticed the Van Horn Inn which was closed along with most other buildings.

There was this boathouse and I noticed the owner was catching fishes. I greeted him and then I walked on the boathouse to see it and that man started following me and was warning me to not do anything bad there.

And I noticed this sunk boat that looks cool though I wonder how it sunk on the bank of the river. I reached this village when it was almost evening and it became dark soon after I reached there.

I was thinking of sleep somewhere and the comeback to this city at day light and before leaving, I noticed this lamp that gave me this beautiful frame.

I had to ride for sometimes to get into the wild to set camp and before going to sleep, I was trying to open the photo mode but I couldn't though I should be able to.

Then suddenly this man with a rifle on his back reached me and I thought its one of the cannibal kind of peoples that I shot down once or twice in other forests.

Then anther one of them came and pointed his gun on me when the other one started warming him up by the fire. I thought it was a robbing scene but they were threatening me because I set up tent in there. I was waiting to get the chance to take my gun out and finish them off.

Surprisingly, they didn't harm me. They just warned me and forbade me to come to this part of the map again and they were leaving me.

But dude, they just threatened me and I'd let them go just like this? I shot them down and there came couple of more of them and I shot all of them down along with a civilian who was trying to be a witness of seeing me disturbing the peace of common peoples.

Then some bounty hunters were there looking for me. Without tearing off my tent, I hid in the forest and I shot all of them down from there one by one.

Then I reached the tent and I let Arthur sleep till morning and I found a nice morning then but I noticed in the map that there were more bounty hunters on my way.

I didn't escape but I confronted them and I shot all of them down in a very short time using the dead eye ability and you can see all the horses of them still couldn't escape the scene. Now its time that I get back to Van Horn and see what's waiting for me there.

Here I'm finishing the post for today and I'll come talk about the rest of my story in Van Horn in the next post.

"The screenshots are my take but properties of Red Dead Redemption 2."


Manually curated by from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for curating.

What amazing captures man, you've done an amazing job.

Written by lionsaturbix

Thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed the captures.