Getting out of All Foods was a Tough Job.

in Gaming Photography2 months ago

The thumbnail was created in Canva.

After eliminating Dum Dum and some more enemies in All Foods, we had to escape this place after taking the Flathead bot and we needed to try escaping from an alternative way than the one we used to get there.

We had to pass through the maintenance tunnel and there, I had to turn on the production line to clear passage that I did and right after that, a siren got activated as if it was an emergency. We just had to escape from All Foods now.

After running through the production line for a moment, we reached this space where people of Joyce were waiting to get and we still didn't know where Joyce was.

There were a lot of armed guys there who just kept attacking us with heavy weapons and we were attacking them with our handguns. I needed a bazooka or something in here like @pravesh0 mentioned in my last post. But unfortunately, I don't know yet how to use other weapons.

There, I noticed the CCTV cameras as enemies as well in the map so I eliminated them as well, and later I understood that we were under surveillance.

After some dangerous fights with dangerous people, I suddenly noticed this game box there when there were no enemies around and I gave it a try. You might think I'm crazy that I tried a video game inside a video game when I had to escape that place alive and if you think like that, you're not wrong then.

After I tried to loot valuable things from around, I reached another part of this All Foods and found Joyce in a heavy robotic suit, just like the ones we've seen in James Cameron's Avatar movie. There was another man guarding the area along with Joyce.

I tried to be invisible to Joyce as he was in that scary suit, and I went after that other man first, and I took him down silently from behind and I even moved the body so Joyce didn't understand.

I tried to sneak behind Joyce and take him out of the suit but I failed for the first time and I failed for the second time as well so I just tried to take him down when he was inside that suit. Yeah, it was hard but it was not impossible, not for me.

With the help of Jackie, I took Joyce down after trying for some time and we had to avoid his attacks as well otherwise we'd be gone and now I understand that I can refill my health using something that refills automatically. If I knew this before, I'd take down the invisible enemy that I fought before.

We came out safely taking the Flathead and after coming outside, we were surprised to see all the squads and the aircraft there waiting for us.

It was that Militech Agent who gave me the chip that started the fight and now they were waiting outside for us to take care of the gang first and they'd go inside and take credits later. Well, we got what we were looking for so it's none of our business about what this lady does.

When I was done talking to the Militech Agent, I went to Jackie and he suggested I let Dex know that we got his toy so he might crack open a bottle for us after what we did for him today.

After finished talking to Jackie, I wandered around and tried to get into an aircraft Militech but I couldn't do that. I wish to fly something in this city but I don't know if I'll have the option to do that someday or not.

Then I tried driving a truck that's not mine and suddenly some dudes from a car started shooting me and I really don't know why. Maybe they're relatives of the street criminals that I took down before.

I tried to take them down by getting out of the car and by getting inside the car but those dudes had special abilities and they were not going down easily, instead, they kept killing me.

After trying for some time, I ignored them at the last checkpoint and I drove my car fast to get away from them, and I was enjoying the night scenes of Night City now. I'll meet Dex in my next post.

** The End **

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"


The night scenes in this game is absolutely stunning. All the reflective surface and neon lights on the streets and buildings! LOVE THEM

Just get a Bazooka bro, it will be much more easier. Handgun is so 2017 not

Btw, when I was reading and scrolling and suddenly saw the "Roach Race" game title screen and I was like, "Damn, this guy just bored of handguns and changed the game?" LOL

The night scenes of this game are breathtaking. The attention to detail with the reflective surfaces and neon lights is impressive.

Just get a Bazooka bro, it will be much more easier. Handgun is so 2017 not

You should start praising that I can do all these things using only a handgun. A bazooka might get dangerous in my hand as I might start taking down the whole city.

And "Roach Race" on the game title screen definitely caught me off guard too! It's those unexpected moments that make gaming so fun.

The darkness of the scenes conveys the tension and adrenaline of the situation in an incredible way. I really like the mysterious setting that this game has.

You've hit the nail on the head. It's like every corner of Night City holds its secrets and dangers, keeping me on the edge of my seat as I navigate through its streets. It's a thrilling experience for sure.

Nice details captured in the night mode.

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Thank you, bro.

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Playing an arcade game when you was in an action scene? lol. Great captures. @tipu curate 8

Haha, talk about multitasking, right? Nothing like a quick game of arcade action to keep the adrenaline pumping in the midst of all the chaos. It's all part of the charm of exploring the futuristic world of Night City


I found the arcade game very interesting, rarely you can see this type of video game in another game, it looks very fun, I still highlight with the great vehicles that has this game.

The arcade games within Cyberpunk 2077 are a delightful surprise, adding an extra layer of immersion and fun to the game world. And yes, the vehicles in the game are a real standout feature, each with its own unique style.