New Day, New Objectives in Life is Strange.

in Gaming Photography5 months ago

Now that Kate is in grave danger, I should help her in any way I can and I hope I have the option to do that. Let's give the book that Kate asked for and then leave the dormitory as Chloe is waiting for me at the diner.

When I was opening the door of Max's room, I found the door opened and honestly I was thinking what happens if someone messes up in her room and gets inside the room, I noticed that my thought had come true.

Someone came inside and wrote "Nobody Messes With Me B***" Max thought it was Nathan's revenge. Nathan is the boy who was about to kill Chloe in the washroom and as Max complained to the principal, Nathan is still after her.

I needed to find Kate's book before I cleaned that up so I started looking for it. After searching for sometimes, I found it but there was soda beside the book that accidentally messed up the book so I rewind time and I was careful this time.

I made Max dressed up with something cool but I see she wore the same thing she was wearing in Crystals.

Taking the book, I walked to Kate's room and it was unlocked so I let myself in after Kate asked me to from inside.

I found Kate on her desk and she seemed broken. Before I spoke with her, I was exploring the surroundings and I found this mail from her mom in her tab and its about her dad and mom receiving a rather disturbing call from Principal Wells about her and some party video.

There was a rabbit in her room that looked cute and I had the option to take a picture of the rabbit and I did.

Then I found this letter from Kate's auntie Marsh and it's also about that videotape. Now I understood fully why Kate seemed broken on her desk.

I talked to her for some time after leaving the book in her room and I got to know how she was dragged into this situation. Someone drugged her and recorded a nude video I guess.

Kate was asking for my advice about going to the police or not. At first, I asked her to find proof first but she seemed sad about it so I rewound time and I asked her to go to the police but she asked me to become a witness but Max didn't know anything to be true so she rejected and now Kate is sadder so I rewind and I asked her to find proof first.

Then I left the dormitory and came outside. The weather outside looked so cool and I was hearing birds singing along with the beautiful background music.

There I found Samuel feeding some birds who looked like a staff there. I talked to him for a bit and told him about seeing a doe who was watching me as if it wanted to say something and Samuel replied that it was Max's spirit animal.

I was trying to check on everything worth checking around me so I even went to the dustbin where Max had found some waste foods that she left there on the bench for a squirrel and when the squirrel came there to have the food, I captured a photo of that cute animal.

Found Taylor there sitting under the tree and I went to talk to her but this girl is just like Victoria for following her messy lifestyle. I asked her why she followed Victoria even after Victoria was pretty mean to Taylor and Courtney.

Taylor replied that Victoria is bossy and is the best friend she could have. I left the poor-minded girl there and was walking forward.

That's when I got this text from a private number and turned out that's Nathan's father. As I complained to the principal about Nathan, now his father started to threaten me.

There was Warren and it looked like he was waiting for somebody. I talked with him and he sounded like he was waiting for Max only he invited Max to watch an old-school ape film and I accepted it which should widen the concept a little.

Now I was about to leave the dormitory and go towards the main building and we shouldn't forget that Chloe was waiting for us at the diner but I would not meet her right away. Rather I'll meet her later and talk about what happens next in another post.

** The End **

"Be Good, Think Good and Do Good"


Very nice the way you use the captures to tell the story.

Thanks for the words of aprpeciation.

Encountering Kate using your rewind twice sounds like you got confused in there. I liked the idea that you want the concept to have more twists.

I really got confused there as Kate was being negative on both choices even after I was trying to help.