My passion for hunting played with my patience.

in Gaming Photography2 months ago

After trying hunting in GTA V for the first time, I was feeling passionate for it and Cletus even offered me good money for the hunting. So, following the map, I though of going there and do some more hunting when I was keen for it.

When I came back from hunting, the bike that I used to ride there was gone but I found this buggy instead and I started riding it to get to the spot where I can find some good meat.

On my way to Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, I noticed these highway police on the roadside and I stopped there to check on them. I wish I could greet the peoples around like one can in RDR 2.

When I was about to reach the location, I noticed this Park Ranger car was ahead of me and was driving towards the same location. Am I going for a duel then?

This lady came out of the car, opened her binocular and was looking at something. I didn't think it was about a duel or anything like that.

Suddenly, we heard gun sound and the lady was running around when I thought she'd look for the source of the gunfire but instead, she escaped though the wild leaving the car behind. Lol, women.

I didn't find the source of the gunfire but I noticed some elks and doe there at a little far. I put out my sniper rifle and I shot one of them down when the others escaped.

I reached the corpse of the elk to capture a photo and send it to Cletus but it looked like I didn't have the option to send it now.

Then I noticed this trailer van there. When I got close to it, I was asked if I wish to start hunting. Pressing yes, Trevor went inside and came outside wearing hunting suits and now we're into the hunting.

After coming out of the trailer, I noticed an elk close to me. I took a shot on it and then another one came there and I shot that one down a well. I sent pictures of them to Cletus and he was praising the neck shots and was giving me score along with offering money.

Now Cletus was asking me to hunt a doe and try a hunt with a shotgun which might give me additional point and for that, I climbed on the mountain and I noticed a pack of them were coming towards me. I tried to hid myself in the flowers there so they get closer and I can do a shotgun kill.

But they started escaping noticing me so I sniped one of them and when I went to capture a photo, this cougar hunted me down. When these cougars jumps on me, I can't do anything to save my character.

At the checkpoint, I came back here from the hospital and I started hunting again. This time, I was even more into hunting as you can see three corpses at the same spot. Then I hunted some boards as well. But when I went to capture photos of the boars, a cougar came again and hunted me down again.

Theses cougars are pain in the a**. I got too angry on it and I thought of taking them down first before trying hunting. But it was nighttime when I found Trevor at the outside of the hospital.

I was trying to get killed somehow and then I found this dog that has bitten Trevor to death long back and this time I avenged it by kicking him to death.

Then I reached the security guard thinking he'd shoot me down but the dude fell down and died having one punch.

I came to the highway and I hijacked this man's bike. I was thinking that he'd start beating me up if I hijack his bike but the dude was too scared and escaped the spot.

So, I started shooting down peoples, polices so they polices kills me and they could after a while when I got around 4 cases and there was police chopper.

At the next checkpoint, I reached the hunting spot and hunted down the cougar as soon as it came near me. It couldn't get to me as I was hunting other animals from up that trailer. I made a whole in its body and then I sent a picture of it to Cletus and Cletus was like, "Don't you have any affection"? No, man I'm affectionless for these MF animals.

Then I had this ATV bike around me so other cougars can't hunt me down when I keep riding it and you see I hunted down another cougar in this way. But when I was doing great this time, I suddenly fell from the bike and Trevor died. And I ended my hunting for the day losing my patience.

You're welcome to see more of my GTA V moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.


Its sad to know that you couldn't continue but you did great with the photos and I enjoyed your hunting journey.

Thanks a lot for your understanding and for stopping by on my post. I'm glad you liked the photos.

It's alright.

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Lol, why no affection for the animals? Good photographs shared.

@tipu curate 8

I have affection for other animals but not for those cougars who keeps annoying me. Thanks for stopping by with the support.

I see you wanted to take animal hunting to the next level, those moments are very cool, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for stopping by and for your understanding.