The Mess in the Pool.

After reaching Halperin Hotel, I got the new challenge to track down Major J S Booker who was threatening to kill me and said she was watching me when I was there looking towards the ballroom which was locked.

To track Major J S Booker, I came out to this garden area and found these dead bodies in bags and this place looked so messed up with bloodstains all around.

The more I was walking forward to get to the location I meant to go, I was witnessing more bloodstains and dead bodies and I tried to imagine how well crafted this place was before the zombie situation.

I was even more surprised reaching this place for seeing all those bags of dead bodies and probably stuffs of this hotel used those food racks to carry and keep them outside.

That no photography sign told me I was going towards the pool area.

I witnessed a new twist reaching this pool area. No, I'm not talking about these empty chairs or those dead bodies, I'm talking about zombies dying in the pool. It looked like the pool water was poisonous or something else happened and some zombies jumped in the pool and started dying there.

There was a zombie eating flesh of a dead body right beside the pool and as it didn't go in the pool, it didn't die yet. I planned to kick this zombie towards the pool so it dies easily and I did what I thought.

This was the lady how was getting eaten by that zombie a moment ago and I decided to take a photo with this angle and I guess I'm succeeded. Now I had to investigate the pool area which was my objective in the concept.

The first thing I inspected was this Caustic X industrial solvent and it looked like there were gallons of it. Inspecting this one completed 35% of my pool area investigation.

Then I found this pump machine and it looked like peoples there were pumping the poison out of the pool using this pump machine and inspecting this one completed 70% of my pool area investigation.

Then I noticed this snack corner in the pool area and I was taking about this place was full of customers back in the day and now its blank having a dead body and some bloodstains there on the floor. I tried to the other way through that door but it was blocked.

There I found some cabins, some of them were full with dead bodies, when some of them had only bloodstains and one was full of that chemical gas.

There was this part of the poll where a gallon of Caustic X fell on the ground and it was flowing gas in the air. I didn't get close to it and I found another body right beside the pool.

Inspecting this sewer completed 100% of my pool area investigation and it looked like peoples were pumping the gas out of the pool straight into the drains and now Ryan understood that army peoples filled the pool with the solvent and tossed the dead bodies in and when it got full, they pumped the meat soup straight into the drains.

Major Booker did the most awful thing at that moment. She used the speakers of the pool to let the zombies know I was there and there came bunch of zombies at once and I had to kill them all. Some were coming out of sewers and I didn't know about others but there were more than I could count.

They killed me even before I could understand which way to run for my life and I died the second time as well.

I was using the wrong weapons to kill the horde and I was getting killed so I tried switching it and I noticed the claws were not enough as well.

At last I used the special Machete and tried different strategy this time so they can't kill me anymore and I was succeeded this time. I killed them all and now I need to confront the drunk major in room 307 and I'll show what happens next later.

I personally took all the screenshots from my play and I used a logo of the game from online to work on the thumbnail in Adobe Photoshop.

This is Pikachuuuuu signing off. Over and out.


The claw look nice and it should kill it when hit directly to the head. Or am I wrong? I'm just guesing tho. Games look fun. Photo were great. Thank you for sharing..

Hitting enemies directly in the head using the claw sounds like it could be quite effective in dispatching them but its not that easy cause when the zombies are close to me, I can't choose where to hit.

This game looks horrible with all the blood and the dead bodies. Your choice was perfect to choose the Machete and good luck killing the Major.

Commented by @itadori-yuji

@sagarkothari88 vote

For fans of the zombie genre, the game offers a thrilling and challenging experience. The machete is the most effective weapon I've found in this game till now but I don't use it too often as these weapons breaks down after certain hits.

Good Luck on your journey and enjoy the thrill.

That's a great thumbnail design you got there. Now its time to teach the major a good lesson, no? @tipu curate 8

Thank you. I'm glad you liked the thumbnail design. I did it in Adobe Photoshop and it was very easy. And yes, it's time for some action.