Trouble keeps following us.

in Gaming Photographylast month

Then we had to pass this place where a bowman was practicing shooting with real dead bodies. Melie got caught there for the first time I was delaying but we passed the second time.

Seeing all these swords and shields, I wish Amicia was a knight in this game who would slaughter all those corrupted peoples riding a big horse.

Then we kept moving through all those guards and I wonder how none of them noticed two human being in the day light.

Reaching this tent, I noticed a chest that Melie helped opening the lock and I found some resources there. It looks like both Melie and Arthur are good at unlocking locks. I noticed some drawings there as well.

Then we had to go through a place full of drunk guards who were not even asleep and I noticed this whole animal getting BBQ there.

And at last we found Hugo in a cage which was floating and there were a lot of guards around him and someone was saying that a nice little ransom has been paid for his release and the kid was asking where his sister was.

Do you think I can save the kid now?

It looked like luck was on our side as someone came running and let others knows about my escape so all the peoples there left Hugo behind to look for me.

After checking around carefully for any threat, I reached Hugo and the kid was happy to see Amicia. It looked like we had to bring the cage down but I needed my sling for that and Hugo said they locked my sling in a trunk there.

Fortunately, we had a pickpocket with us. I asked Melie to unlock the trunk and then I found my sling there and I can now use my inventory again.

I shot and brought the cage down that made a loud sound but fortunately, all the guards were busy looking for me and right after Melie unlocked the cage, Hugo ran and hugged his sister. Now, this was a cute moment.

As I had a sling and I knew how to use it, Melie suggested me to go first and after ignoring one path noticing a guard, I found another guard in the other side so I had nothing to do but taking him down using the sling and Amicia was also saying that she had enough of running.

We were close to the horse stable and I noticed one of them with bow. I took him down with one shot and Amicia was asking if he needed more as she still has some. The girl did sound impatience and a little bit of brave as well.

Reaching the horse stable, we noticed all these fine horses there. Knowing I can't ride them, I still took chance getting close to them. This would be awesome if I could just ride one of them and escape from this place.

We were almost at the gate and I had to take risk on taking out this last one who had bow and I had to do eye contact before taking him down as he was facing towards us and I had to get a little close to hit him harder. Now that he was done taken care of, we ran towards the gate.

It seemed like trouble keeps following us. Nicholas came over with his army and we were just in front of us. Nicholas was saying that he'd pay a ransom for the De Rune children and asked if he has to capture them himself. So yeah, its time we escape him again.

To know what happens next, you need to keep following me so you don't miss my next post.

That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
Au revoir/Goodbye.

All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.


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Well, the story is horrible and full of twists... Nicholas making trouble for you guys...

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Nicholas is the main protagonist of this game if I'm not wrong and we keep escaping from him.

Thanks for your support, bro.

I also sometimes wonder how NPCs do not detect the characters in stealth mode. Without a doubt, I don't think stealth works like that in real life 😄.

Without a doubt, I don't think stealth works like that in real life

Never. We can't just hide ourselves being in some grass or something. Lol.

Doing all that in front of an entire army or camp and no one seemed to care... LOL

Everyone were busy looking for them when they were doing all these things, lol.

That was a nice moment when the kid hugged his sister. @tipu curate 8