Dancing with Lightning: Max's Tactical Mastery against Mount

Hello everyone, hope you all are doing great. In my last post, I talked about duel arena where I had two duels with the same character. Today I will share about another duel I encountered the heaviest character of Shadow of Death named "Mount".
Mount is considered as the heaviest character of SOD. He uses a hammer. The hammer emits lighting. It's like the hammer of Thor. He wears heavy armor. Considering his size and armor he is a bit slower than others but gives better damage in a single hit than others.

My opponent's name is Ovin. His character is Mount of Level 10. My Max is on level 10 too and their power level is almost similar so it's gonna be a good challenge.

Max and Mount both are preparing for the fight. Mount is holding his heavy hammer in one hand and holding it up to show his strength. Max on the other hand holding his sword to put up a good fight.

Mount is attacking, the blaze of lighting looks gorgeous to me. The whole area was just lit up by the hit of the hammer and damage to my health too.

Don't underestimate Max he unleashes his Blighted force, even the heavy-weight Mount was just thrown in the air by the impact. Max gives no time to rest he continues his attack.

Max is using Rolling Smash to defeat Mount now. It's a very powerful attack. So Mount has no other choice but to accept the consequences.

Mount is attacking back, he swings his hammer towards Max but he misses, Max manages to escape the attack and jumps into the air for a counter attack. Mount has no way to escape the counter attack. He would get some hits here. But I missed it too. He nicely handles the attack. A great come back.

Mount has become crazy he is just blowing attacks one after another. The best strategy at this moment is to escape the attack and find an opportunity to attack.

Max is cornered and nowhere to escape, Mount uses his lighting hammer and attacks and I have to accept it. But I needed to get out of the corner as soon as possible or needed to attack back.

A successful feedback, Mount is running away to escape my hits, I put a lot of damage to him. So, he has no other choice but to escape. I missed my last hit, it's a good strategy.

The vicious fight continued, no one was giving up. rumble of thunder, the sound of the sword, and the lighting make the moment intense. It's becoming hard for Mount to match the speed of Max which is a plus point for me, and I have the highest winning chance here.

The final hit from Max, the sword pierced through the armor blooded the Mount and he broke into pieces and fell to the ground. Max wins the duel with pride. The duel was enjoyable, thanks to Ovin for putting in his efforts and making the duel interesting.

By defeating Mount I gained all five stars for the Bronze V league. and I will be promoted to the Bronze IV league if win the next match.

Thanks for your time. I will share more interesting moments of SOD in my new post. Till then be safe and sound. Keep gaming and sharing.


The way Mount was showing off his giant hammer, he seemed so confident that he was going to smash your skull but I'm surprised to see that he couldn't even drain half your health.

In my perspective it doesn’t matter how much power you hold, but how skillfully you can use it.


Yay! 🤗
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@satoru013. Seems like an exciting game brother. Keep up the good work ❤️

Hey Vikings king thanks for going through my post.

My pleasure bro✌️✌️✌️